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Jacquard Dye-Na-Flow Fabric Paint is a free-flowing, highly concentrated liquid color is perfect for batik, silk painting, watercolor techniques, and many other fabric designs uses. Dye-Na-Flow spreads on fabric until it is thoroughly absorbed and even, sinking into the fibers like a dye instead of sitting on the surface like thicker inks and paints. It works best on natural fabrics such as silk, rayon, cotton and linen. It comes in a range of colors and sizes. I recommend starting with the assortment includes nine Dye-Na-Flow colors in 1/2 oz. sample size bottles in bright orange, chartreuse, golden yellow, magenta, periwinkle, scarlet, sun yellow, turquoise and violet. Available on Amazon, Joann Fabrics or Michaels. If you love this prodauct as much as I do you'll find 2.25 oz and 8 oz bottlrd on Darma Trading

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